
My career goals for this site:
To transform my Freelance Graphic Design into a small, multi-directional business & create a landing page for my streaming adventures via Twitch, video content on YouTube, & even clips made on Medal.
Re-branding to "Haefillie" has helped. I played off the name by creating a multilevel theme combining horses & pirates; the word "ferals" being a group of banded horses! I have used this theme across many of my platforms, including my business identity & the creation of my online HUB/Discord "The Banded Ferals".

Haefillie llc's ultimate side-perks:
Doing this all on my own terms & schedule, instead of under a company + being at home around family while working!

The Summary of this site's purpose

A) Utilize my Bachelors Degree of Science in Graphic Design.

B) Utilize my artistic abilities.

C) Provide a landing page for my streaming & video content.

HAEFILLIE LLC Mission is to deliver quality content & services to fruition your artistic or design dreams! ~Haefillie


Independent Commercial Artist, Gamer & Streamer
Professional, Scientific & Technical Services:
Graphic Design BS Degree from A.I.P.D.

HAEFILLIE LLC "Brand" is quality control. Commissions are designed with the highest regards of values, standards, craftsmanship & representation.

4 10+ 12

Year BS Degree Years of GD experience Clients served

Hae, what do customers say?

an abstract photo of a curved building with a blue sky in the background

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